Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Forgot a Couple...

Hank has been refining his handyman skills.

Cannon has been working on his rolling and cutting (of play-doh).

Naked. :)

He is also obsessed with having things in their place and in order... not to mention a budding love for trains!

Friday, February 26, 2010

It Finally Feels Like Winter!

We have snow here. We know the rest of the country has had it for awhile, but around here it has been spring-like for awhile... which means winter will probably last until mid-June. We're so enjoying it! Today was a beautiful "bluebird" day, and Timothy's only day off this week, so we all went for a ski (see photos below). My friend Katherine and I also took Cannon sledding this week. Well, we tried to take Cannon sledding. He didn't like sitting in the sled. So we watched folks go down the hill and he would get SO excited and point and shout. He obviously loved the idea of it, but refused to sit in the sled. Having someone hand him the sled string and then letting it go to watch the sled go down was all the entertainment he needed.

"Cannon, go lay down so Mama can change your diaper." You can't blame the guy for seeking comfort. :)

Always walk with purpose, then people won't notice if you're dressed funny.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy February, Happy Birthday (to Poppy)!

Oh, and yes, Cannon did get a haircut (which aged him immensely!)