Saturday, January 31, 2009


If Cannon is awake, he is in motion and he is making noise. He has a signature move we call "the caterpillar", which is his version of crawling. It's effective, but a little slow (thank goodness!). Basically, he moves his knees forward in a normal crawling motion, then drops to his tummy, moves his arms forward, then repeats this very quickly. He looks like he's doing that breakdancing move we all know and love: the worm! And the noise? It's fairly constant, broken only when he's stuffing Cheerios in his mouth (even that is sometimes accompanied by sounds of joyous feeding), surprised by something new, or watching his sign language DVD. He "talks", grunts, yalps, and occasionally shrieks. And he gets very excited. Oh, yes... and if they camera is out, he's reaching for it.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Cannon loves to play with Dad. He wrestles with him, gets thrown around, and giggles the whole time. Cannon loves to be upside down while playing with Dad, and he loves to practice his standing when he's with Mom or by himself.
And did we mention it's been snowing?! :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Ribbons, Cards, and Sparkly Things

Cannon got a new tooth for Christmas... hence the drool that you'll probably see in every picture in this post. :) It's a top tooth and I will admit that I'm a little sad. I love his smile with just those two bottom teeth! He also received ribbons, cards to chew on, sparkly things and things that crackle--all his favorites. He got a few toys and clothes too. :)
We have had a week of epic yet relaxing holidays. We went to Vail on Christmas Eve for church (Cannon loves church! He loves people, attention, and music...), then spent the night at our friend Clint's. Our plan was to make a big dinner together the next day with Clint and another friend, Walt. Then Timothy found out that he would not need to work on the we made a big breakfast, watched movies, made a big dinner, watched more movies, spent another night, made another breakfast, watched more movies, ate leftovers, and finally came home to open presents about 24 hours later than planned. None of us can remember the last time we stayed in the house for that many consecutive hours, and we finished Christmas feeling rested and relaxed! Oh, and the turkey was the best we had ever tasted, surrounded by all sorts of other homemade goodness.
On New Year's Eve, friends came to our house. Again, the party went on and on. We hung out that evening and shot the gun to ring in the new year (this is seemingly okay in the middle of this town--they don't really have rules here. Normally this drives us crazy, when people use old truck beds as front porches, for example, but in this case it was in our favor). The next day was blustery cold so Cannon, Becca, and I stayed at home and knit until our fingers hurt (and shoulders, triceps, etc.). Timothy, Clint, Walt, and Ed went to shoot skeet, then shoveled the snow from our roof and a bit from the neighbors. Then Clint made a turkey that was even better than the one we had on Christmas, and we feasted on all sorts of homemade things again. Oh, and somewhere in there Timothy turned 30!

No one makes this baby laugh the way Dad does!