Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ten Fingers, Ten Toes, and TWO TEETH!!

Our little man has two teeth and another pretending to come through. Can you see them in the picture? They're those little white spots on his bottom gum. He's been a champ so far--not too terribly fussy (although extrememly drooly!).

I think I finally captured a smile on camera today. I wish I could capture his laugh. It might be the coolest sound we've ever heard. Timothy is best at getting it to come out--he just dances around and acts goofy and Cannon thinks it's hysterical.

We were in Kentucky and Indiana last week for the wedding of our friends Alan and Janelle. We also got to catch my niece Morgan's birthday party and throw a baby shower for my sister Megan. Some of the photos are from our trip. Fun times. :)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby's First Fourteener

Cannon and I attempted "Baby's First Fourteener" a couple of weekends ago with our friends Amanda and Keith. We hiked up Mt. Elbert, the highest peak in Colorado, which is right down the road from where we live. You can tell this was hard-core because Cannon is wearing his skull and crossbones sun hat in a couple of the pictures. :) Unfortunately, it started hailing around noon--about an hour above tree line and an hour from the summit. We had to turn back (which was probably a great idea--I could hardly walk down stairs for three days from my sore quads--who's hard-core now? :) .... somebody's been sitting at a desk all summer). It was a fun adventure.

Another fun adventure was the 12-hour car trip we decided to take with sweet baby the following weekend (who thought that would be a good idea?!). I know he looks tranquil in his carseat in the photo, but that was only for the first 9 hours. All three of us got to go to the Montana Outward Bound Program's 25th Anniversary Celebration in Red Lodge. It was a wonderful time--although somewhat bittersweet as Outward Bound has decided to close that base (a tragic decision, in our opinion). It was so fun to see former instructors from all over--New York, Texas, California. There were over 65 amazing people at our final "chow circle".

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Few Fun Photos

These days Cannon loves to stand up (ALL the time!), suck on his fingers (and other people's), roll over, chat, and smile. He's super fun and funny.
And he does smile, by the way--big, fun, gummy grins. He just stops as soon as he sees the camera. Then it's just wide eyes and shock at that weird red light on the front of the camera....