I promise that whenever Cannon leaves the house, he is wearing a shirt and shoes. But when we're just hangin' out in the backyard, both are optional... the shirt because he refuses to wear a bib and ruins shirts while eating, and the shoes because well, who needs 'em? I will tell you, though, that today is our first day of an experiment to see whether wearing shoes will encourage him to wander out into the grass. Until now "playing in the backyard" has actually meant "walking endlessly up and down the sidewalk between the garage and the house", which is fine since walking is his new favorite hobby, but we're just trying to sway him into a new little adventure here: the wonderful world of grass! His other favorite things: anything with a lid, reading books (he has definite favorites and will bring the ones he wants to the reader) , spatulas, forks (only when he is safe in his high chair, although he regularly protests that decision), playing peek-a-boo, and giving high fives (anytime, but most curiously when someone says, "say bye-bye") .
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