Getting ready to make pie...

It adds to the flavor if you throw the pumpkin on the floor before you roast it for pie.
It also helps if your new dining room is the same color as the pie.

When are they gonna feed me some pie?!!
I mean, seriously.

Aah, finally...washing it down. (Just kidding--we did not really give him beer, and we're keeping a close eye on Uncle Griff!! :)
Aah, finally...washing it down. (Just kidding--we did not really give him beer, and we're keeping a close eye on Uncle Griff!! :)
We had such a fun Thanksgiving holiday! Our friend Katey came for a long visit and graciously helped us clean (and clean again and again) and move while on her vacation. We had an elk roast (and pumpkin pie) that she brought from Montana for dinner with some Outward Bound friends on Thanksgiving night, and spent our first night in the new house that night! On Saturday night we had a bunch of friends over for a slightly more traditional feast (and there was more pumpkin pie). It snowed all day so they couldn't go home... good deal for us! Cannon loved Thanksgiving. He loves people and attention, and he loves to sit with the grown-ups to eat dinner. More than once in the last week he has consumed a full baby food meal, then another meal while he sits with us to eat our meal. He loves sweet potatoes and beets, pumpkin (whether it has hardly any spices because I intended it for him or it has tons of spices and sugar because I intended it for pie), real whipped cream (who doesn't?!), mashed potatoes, pears, mangoes, banana, even Balsamic Vinaigrette! So far the only thing he's not into is peas (can you blame him?)
P.S. Updated house photos coming soon... as soon as the mess from moving is cleaned up!
1 comment:
I really like the ominous looking knife in the pie in the background.
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