Thursday, October 23, 2008

90th Percentile

This guy has a huge noggin (not surprising when you measure the heads of both his parents). Yep, that's right. Cannon is in the 90th percentile for head circumference (of course, that means his brain is big :). He had his 6 month check-up this week! Insanity--where did 6 months go? He is weighing in at 17.5 pounds and is 26.5 inches long these days (both 50th percentile, if you're into comparisons). He's been a little sick and sleeping lots during the day (not so much at night....).

We had to scrape four or five inches of snow off the car that morning before we could head out, by the way, and when we came home (after dropping Timothy off to continue work on the house) Cannon and I could not get the car up the driveway (he really wasn't much help at all--refused to get out and push, wouldn't sit in the driver's seat and steer...) because it was so slick. We had to park at the bottom and make the chilly trek up the hill. I guess we've learned that October really is not too early to put on the snow tires, and we are in the market for an all-wheel drive car once again. :)

Meanwhile, Timothy and a couple of guys he hired are making huge progress on the house. The drywall is up and mudded, and the wall texturing has begun. We are working on picking out paint colors (the fun part!) and trying to keep ourselves from living in Rainbow Bright-land. We're trying to talk ourselves into a muted shade for at least one room, and we've agreed that at least the ceilings will be white. :)


Megan said...

I'm a little nervous about the orange swatches that Cannon picked out. But I can't wait to see the rainbow bright house!

Audrey said...

Hey TIm & family -
Looks like your little guy is really growing. What a cutie. Hope all is well.

Blessings- Audrey (cunningham) finney