Ol' Mama sent us low temps and a bit of snow last week... and the word is that it's going to start snowing tonight (it already has, actually) and not stop for a week. Thankfully, Cannon has a new hat and a bit of baby fat so he's ready. Timothy has some new skis and the possibility of an awesome winter job, so he's ready too. I was about to write, "but I'm not ready!", but the truth is I think I am. I also have new skis (although with the little guy around I probably won't use them much until next season), I found my old Yak Trax (little metal studs you attach to the bottom of your shoes to go running in the winter) that I was looking for all last winter, and I have the knitting/sewing fever that I get every year at this time....

We were lucky to get to travel to Melina and Steve's wedding last weekend. Here is Cannon sleeping in Grandma Haley's arms while we were there. This is the only picture we have of the entire weekend!

Cannon isn't really into eating solid food anymore (I think he thought it was a game in the first place--not a way to make his tummy stop growling or to gain nourishment). He just likes to take the spoon full of food and chew on it, schmear it around, etc.

I took this sunset photo on our way to the new house (from our current cabin) the other day. This is the view from almost anywhere in the town we live in.

Trim! Lots and lots of trim.... and it's stained a beautiful dark color, which tones down the bright wall colors.

We have two new doors--the others are old and cool and original, with great ornate hardware.

Remember our green bathroom (if not, scroll down and see)? It's not green anymore.

But Cannon's room is very green.
And I told you the kitchen was going to be "grape vineyard".

I have to say, though, that if your screen is like mine, these colors look like they belong in a childrens' museum, not a house.... trust me when I tell you that they're bright without being crazy, and that the dark trim really is going to tone things down....
Actually, don't trust me. Come visit and see for yourself!!

This was the first baby gift we received--a hat a bootie set bought on a trip to Mozambique. The hat might be getting a little small, but it's definitely the season for some rainbow booties. Thanks, Katey!